2010 Peace Day Global Broadcast,September 17 - 21
Celebrate the International Day of Peace with the World Community Featuring Sustainable Solutions, Entertainment, Music, Festivals, Celebrities, Films, Awards, & Peace Building Partners
Now playing is the 2010 Preview Show. Launched on June 13th as part of the 100 Day Countdown to Peace Day, the preview showcases sustainable solutions for achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), music, work of peace partners, and the "What's Your Peace" Campaign.
The full Peace Day Global Broadcast begins September 17 with the ringing of the Peace Bell from UN Headquarters by the Secretary General, and continues through September 21, the official International Day of Peace.
The broadcast features a worldwide array of musical artists, a global interactive chat forum, live feeds from celebrations across the globe, videos from regular people worldwide participating in the "What's Your Peace" Campaign, the Millennium Development Goals, and peace partners.
Live events are scheduled from the Giza Pyramids, global EarthDance & Stand Up Campaign locations, the UN Millennium Review Summit in NY,a Peace Day Parade from Hawaii, Jane Goodall Roots & Shoots Youth programs in Los Angeles, special celebrity interviews, and worldwide celebrations.
The PeaceDay Global Broadcast 2010 has over 100 participating organizations. In support of these organizations are the following artists who will be appearing on the 2010 broadcast. click here for a list of public figures and celebrities appearing in the broadcast.
Personally support the Peace Day TV Broadcast, and charity organizations, by sponsoring the event as a Peace Day Certificate holder. You receive your own broadcast page on the UBIEE network that includes your certificate, the stream, a serial number, and add-on options. 10% of the funds received through this program go to a selected Group of charities which are voted on by those participating in the UBIEE Green Social Community. Vote for the charities you'd like to see supported at http://ubiee.biz.
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